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by Lester Del Rey
Dead Ringer
  • Fiction
  • 1956
  • Autor: Lester Del Rey
The Dead Bell appeared in the November 1956 issue of Galaxy Fiction. Nothing, especially on Earth, could set him free - the truth is the least!...
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages

by Lester Del Rey
Police Your Planet
  • Fiction
  • 1956
  • Autor: Lester Del Rey
Bruce Gordon, a former fighter and ex-player, ex-policeman and ex-reporter, has now become an ex-patriot of the Earth. The security sends him to Mars with a knife, a hundred credit cards and a yellow card, which does not give a chance of return. But he knew how to communicate with the commission in the police station of Marsoport, and then found what was not only examples of fine art, but also the official Martian way of life. Thus he joined the system. And then he met Sheila ......
Number of pages: ~ 79 pages